We find the answers to our questions in the stillness

Yesterday I decided to bundle Vaya and myself up and go for a snowshoe hike. This has become a weekend ritual. I am not a big fan of winter, but I choose to embrace it with some winter activities. Next weekend I may go ice skating, if I can bring myself to the rink where folks that already know how to skate are playing hockey and the littles are learning with milk crates, which I may need to borrow in order to keep myself up right! Hey! I’m trying and I am putting myself out there to embrace the season and have some fun. Who cares what I look like, if I fall, I will get back up. I always do. All that matters is I will be getting fresh air, having fun and learning. All of my favorite things in one. I went off track here forward thinking, forgive me. Anyway, I decided to go to an old spot I have not been in a long while. This spot reminded me of four wheeling, still fun and would still love to go but my oh my have times changed. Instead of the hum of the FMF exhaust and the trees whipping past me. I’m enjoying the soft sound of my snowshoes crunching in the snow. Vaya’s little pitter patter of her new shoes and her collar jingling. The slow passing of the trees where I get to see the intricate details of bark and leaves. The sky, the sun starting to go down creating shadows on the bright white ground, the mountains near and far. Where I was, I did see the occasional snowmobile. The smell would bring me right back to my teen/early 20’s full tilt, back when you could ride wheelers on the tracks. There is Yin and Yang right here fast, slow, loud, quiet, future and past. There was a beautiful point in time though that I did not think of the past or the future. I was in the present moment. I was on this beautiful snow-covered trail, and I stopped for a moment. I just stood there. Vaya in front of me just standing there too. Both of us just looking around. I felt my face and hands tingling, partially numb due to the cold but as I stood there and really felt my body, I recognized the numbness felt so soothing, my body felt heavy and relaxed. Almost like I was in savasana standing up. My ears were ringing from the deafening silence. I was having a full body experience. A moment of being fully in the present. Taking in everything around me. Breathing in the fresh cool air, the briskness of it on my face. It was in this moment that my mind felt so clear like I knew the answers to every question I have been asking myself and the universe. It was already within me. I found the answers in the stillness. I tried to hold on to it, it was still there even as Vaya looked at me with a look of “I am not enjoying this as much as you are, I’m cold, look.” Even when she walked up to me the sound of her shoes crunching in the snow and her collar jingling. I was still there. My mind not racing. Everything clear and then boom it went away. The thoughts rolled in… It is starting to get dark; we need to get back to the car, Vaya’s shoes are filled with snow, her paws must be cold., What am I going to cook for dinner? I have these moments from time to time when I meditate, but mostly when I am in nature to be honest. I feel I can connect to my inner being quicker outside. It is funny because I listened to a YouTube video a while ago by Leeor Alexandra, she is a favorite of mine. She talks about the law of attraction, spirituality etc. Anyway, she described something like this happening to her in a different way and I thought to myself I have had that before but very brief, it did not last. This time it lasted a lot longer. If this seems to woo woo for you, I get it. But do me a favor just try it once; you don’t even have to really try. If you want to know the answer to something, be silent and be still, just be. We find the answers to our questions in the stillness. Stay grounded and vibe high my friends!